Representing Matri-Archi, founder and creative director Khensani Jurczok-de Klerk shared a set of reflections on Matri-Archi(tecture) as a project of collectivising, conviviality and collaboration. One way to understand resonance is as something having the power to evoke enduring images, memories, and emotions. Another way to understand resonance is as a deep reverberation, reciprocating a felt dialogue and response. Through this lens, Khensani shared some of the projects that the organisation have done in the past years ranging across architectural interventions, artistic installations and multi-media research. This offering was an invitation to think about the processes that manifest projects. Over the years, Matri-Archi(tecture) has developed and continues to develop a methodological approach grounded on and reliant upon critical, convivial and collaborative resonance. Matri-Archi(tecture) believes that designing methodology is as important as designing form. The reflections in this offering are situated within a larger ongoing project that asks: under what conditions can we collaborate, when we design the conditions?
Team: Khensani Jurczok-de Klerk
Invitation: Marlene Wagner & Claiming Spaces*